On the 4th of November 2016 “Wilderness” the third album from Hundreds will be released. Since their debut the sibling duo’s music has developed to become more open, though without sacrificing its mystery. Two years after their last album “Aftermath” Eva and Philipp Milner have become bolder and more adventuresome. Philipps carefully arranged electronic beats strikingly encounter Evas melancholic texts, and as listeners we experience their music as clear and powerful while at the same time a dark longing dominates, though it is carried by a sense of euphoria and a pure desire for the music.
In the new album a large, extraordinary, and forceful piece of work was created that intonates a part of human history by delving deep into a world of electronic tones. In doing so Hundreds have broken the structures of conventional pop music and replaced them with escalating arrangements and unconventional beats. Nevertheless, this record still finds room for the meticulous pop sound of their roots for which they rose to prominence in 2008. Since their debut the Hamburg duo have played sold-out tours across Europe. Recently supporting ALT-J during their German tour, they have also travelled to CMJ Festival in New York, and played at MUSEXPO 2014 in Los Angeles. On the road they are also joined by Florian Wienczny who supports them as drummer. For their live shows Hundreds work with artists with whom they have grown up, who understand and can realise music instinctively.
With their second album “Aftermath” the Milner duo led us into the forest of their childhood, and as a refuge and eerie fantasy world this forest also plays an important role in the new third album “Wilderness”. This journey began in 2015 in their home recording studio located in Wendland.